7 de agosto de 2008

Tu também :)

Saiu na Rolling Stone um artigo sobre o 1º disco dos U2, Boy. O Bono dignou-se a comentar. Cito aqui a parte final do longo comentário ao artigo:

"you can have everything the songs, the production, the face, the attitude but still not have “IT”… U2 had nothing really, nothing but ‘IT’… For us music was a sacrament … an even more demanding and sometimes more demeaning thing than music as ART, we wanted to make a music to take you in and out of your body, out of your comfort zone, out of your self, as well as your bedroom, a music that finds you looking under your bed for God to protect your innocence…

…i’m proud of this little Polaroid of a life I cant fully recall. As well as the ability to make embarrassing mistakes, the demands of a great debut might be fresh ideas, fresh paint and sometimes for its canvas, a fresh face."
A verdade é que, goste-se ou não, eles marcaram para sempre a Música. Gostei de ele não pedir deculpas pelos erros que cometeram nesse disco, nem sequer se considera o melhor, tem só qualquer coisa... de inexplicável... Uma Polaroid de um momento na sua vida. Bonita imagem.
Gosto muito de U2, mas como em tudo o resto, de todas as que gosto muito, há duas de que gosto mais, e são as duas calmitas...
A 1ª, One, do grande Achtung Baby, por tudo e por nada. Grande som, aliado a uma letra estrondosa. Só não a consigo ouvir cantada pela voz estridente da Mary J. Blige, porque ela farta-se de guinchar e não há pachorra...
Did I disappoint you
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth
You act like you
never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's...Too late
To drag
the past out into the light
Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come to raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head
Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got
We're one, but we're not the same....
You sayLove is a temple
Love a higher law
Love is a temple
Love the higher law
You ask me to enter
But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt...........
A 2ª, de um CD mais recente, All that you can't leave behind. Fica aqui, para a posteridade :), a versão acústica, The Edge e Bono no seu melhor...
In a little while
Surely you'll be mine
In a little while
I'll be there
In a little while
This hurt will hurt no more
I'll be home,
When the night takes a deep breath
And the daylight has no end
If I crawl, if I come crawling home
Will you be there
In a little while
I won't be blown by every breeze
Friday night running
To Sunday on my knees
That girl
That girl, she's mine...
A man dreams one day to fly
A man takes a rocketship into the skies
He lives on star that's dying in the night
And follows in the trail
The scatter of light
Turn it on
Turn it on
Turn me on.....
Slow down my bleeding heart
Slowly, love......
O verdadeiro arrepio! Há melhor que isto?

4 comentários:

Unknown disse...

U2, what else is there to say? I love it! They're just amazing!!!! Awesome!!!!!

Ianita disse...


Em Português se faz favor que aqui na terrinha o pessoal nã sabe essa língua esquisita que se fala desse lado do Atlântico!

Estes emigrantes! :)

Unknown disse...

I'm sorry but after reading your post about how good interpreter you are, I thought that you'd be able to understand my english posts. You know that my portuguese is almost chinese because I don't have a portuguese keyboard (teclado pra quem desse lado nao me entender) :p

Ianita disse...

Mas eu só "interpreto" bem na situação "tia de Inglaterra"-Português. Lol! :)